What if we stopped taking social media so freaking seriously and just allowed it to be natural and fun? 

You don’t have to be perfect to show up online. You don’t have to have it all together. (I obviously don’t, look at my massive failure of an omelet that I turned into a meme in a recent post!)

All you really need is to implement some basic strategies that allow you to authentically express yourself. The era of the perfect influencer is actively dying, in case you hadn’t noticed - because everyone knows it’s FAKE.

My mini course, “Strategically unhinged content creation for eco baddies & people with positive messages” is about empowering you to be REAL, be yourself, and grow a super supportive community. 

Sharing all the secrets I NEVER hear talked about for creating badass content that grows you a supportive audience and helps the greater good.

With a background in both art and environmental science, I've organically grown my social media following to over 27k amazing people and climbing over the past few years. I've also founded one of the fastest growing digital marketing agencies in the game, Jennings Creative Agency. There has been a lot of trial and error along the way, but now that I'm working as a full time strategist and content creator for aligned organizations and brands, I realized there's a lot you need to know to share your creative voice through social media... and most of it, I'm just not seeing people teach! So, I decided it's time to share this power with people I know will use it for good. (That's you!)

Here are some of the results you can get by using these methods, and how the course is broken down:

I. Taking Inventory

We take an inventory of what you need to get started with great content creation (in both equipment and information!)

II. Getting Inspiration and Gathering Content

I don't see this talked about much at all! We unpack the entire creative process for generating great ideas, watching trends, and putting it all together in content that's going to do really well and grow you your dream audience.

III. Logistics

All the nuts and bolts of putting your creative pedal to the metal and consistently building an amazing, aligned audience.

Let me teach you the art of creating strategically unhinged content!

Let's be eco baddies together!

Being a strategically unhinged content creator extraordinaire is honestly so much fun, and it can be really easy and flowy when you implement just a couple techniques! If you have positive messages to spread, the world NEEDS your presence now more than ever.

Join us and let me show you how. :)

Need more personalized guidance? Book a 1:1 brainstorming session here.

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